Chuyển đến nội dung chính

Introduction Heartbeat

In this tutorial, I show for you some concepts about heartbeat.  Heartbeat is a project from Linux-HA (Linux high available). The goal is t provide a High availability clustering solution for Linux. Heartbeat is the daemon which provides the cluster infrastructure. In order to be useful, heartbeat needs to be combined with a Cluster Resource Manager (CRM), which is the one in charge of starting and stopping the services (Web, DNS, Database, File servers and/or IP Addresss) to make them Highly Available.

Through the years, Heartbeat has evolved and has different types of configurations:

  • Heartbeat V1: This type of configuration uses the Version Cluster Resource Manager. This is also known as legacy Heartbeat. It allows us to configure two cluster node in active / passive or active / active configurations.
  • Heartbeat V2: This type of configuration is related  to the use of the version 2 Cluster Resource Manager. It allows us to configure two or more nodes in active / passive or active / active configurations.
  • Heartbeat 2.99.x + Pacemaker: Since Heartbeat 2.99.x, the version 2 Cluster Resource Manager has been removed from the code and new project was started. This project is called Pacemaker.

Install Heartbeat V1

In terminal on Linux enter:
sudo apt-get install heartbeat

Install Heartbeat V2

In terminal on Linux enter:
sudo apt-get install heartbeat-2
Next tutorial, I show for you how to configure heartbeat v1

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